

Mosque’s representative picks up the deceased’s body from the Hospitals/Retirement home/Airports or deceased’s residence and brings it to the Mosque.


  1. Family member of the deceased needs to provide two government-issued photos ID’s of the deceased (Acceptable ID’s are Driver’s License, Passport or Citizenship card) to the Mosque authority.Family member needs to fill out the following forms:
  2. i) Statement of Death – Form 15, (When the funeral arrangements are made, family member or a close relative must sign a Statement of Death (Form 15), prepared by Mosque volunteer, in the presence of a family member’s witness.

    ii) Family Questionnaire (This FQ form will provide to the deceased’s family member by the Mosque volunteer)

    iii) Burial Services & Cemetery Information

  3. Mosque will arrange to send fax/email to the cemetery with the “Burial Services, Cemetery Information” and requesting to open a grave.
  4. Mosque will organize and perform the final rites for the deceased according to Islamic rules, which are limited to body washing and wrapping in a shroud only with the help of Mosque’s volunteers and family members. MFSCA volunteer will coordinate.
  5. Mosque authority will submit “Statement of Death – Form 15“, “Medical Certificate of Death – Form 16” along with a blank “Burial Permit” to the municipal clerk’s office. The Municipality office will issue a “Burial Permit” while keeping other forms in their records.
  6. The Mosque and deceased’s family member(s) will organize and perform Janaza prayer right after Zuhor salat. MFSCA Volunteer will coordinate.
  7. The coffin will be transported to the cemetery for burial by the Mosque Authority (Cemetery accepts burials 7 days a week until 4 pm).
  8. Signed copies of “Proof-of-Death Certificate” will be provided to the family by the Mosque Authority (which may be used to inform Government offices, banks and other institutions).

Throughout this process, Mosque volunteers will assist the family in filling out and verifying all forms and documents.

STEP 3: Apply for a Legal Death Certificate:

The Mosque will issue a temporary “Proof of Death Certificate” to the family of the deceased. This certificate may be required for the settlement of legal issues such as bank accounts, insurance claims, inheritance, etc. The next of kin is required to apply for a legal “Death Certificate” via Service Ontario. For other provinces, please check with your local Municipal Office website.

Applying for a “Death Certificate” requires two documents. You can apply only after funeral and burial services is done:

  • Medical Certificate of Death, a form that the attending doctor or a coroner completes. It outlines the cause of death.
  • Statement of Death (Form 15), a form that the Mosque/Funeral Director and an informant (usually a family member) completes. It includes personal information about the deceased, such as family history, age at death and place of death etc.
You may need a death certificate for:
  • settling an estate
  • insurance purposes
  • access to/termination of government services, e.g., health card, pension, voters’ list
  • genealogy searches

The certified copy of death registration does not include medical cause of death. Download and complete the Request for Death Certificate application


If the member pass away at home, dial 911. A coroner (Investigation Officer) will come to your home and will issue a Medical Certificate of Death. If the member pass away at hospital, in that case, doctor will issue a Medical Certificate of Death(Form 16).

  • If an autopsy is required, the deceased person’s body will be taken to the autopsy centre. After the autopsy is completed, family will inform our MFSCA area coordinator and we will coordinate with the Mosque to organize funeral and burial services. You will find the MFSCA area coordinator’s name and contact number under “Volunteer” in MFSCA website.

  • If the autopsy is not required, call MFSCA area coordinator for your area. Your area coordinator will contact the nearest partnering Mosque. They will provide the deceased’s information to the Mosque and Mosque authority will transport deceased body to Mosque.

    Our partnering Mosque has a well-equipped mortuary to perform Ghusl (final bath) and prepare the body for burial.


    Please ensure that the information of the deceased on the “Death Certificate” is accurate. If you notice any inaccuracies, please request the authority to make the corrections. MFSCA area coordinator is available all hours of the day and week.  When contacting them, be ready to provide deceased body’s pick up address, family contact number, time and place of death. MFSCA is not responsible for handling or maintaining deceased’s paper works. It is Mosque and family’s responsibility. Nearest partnered Mosque arranges body pickup. Therefore pick up time and other pick up formalities will be conducted and maintained by the Mosque.

    For additional question
    Director, Member Affairs
    647-773-3035, 647-860-6199